Principal investigator

Lisa Tucker-Kellogg is a faculty member in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology (CSCB) and at the Centre for Computational Biology (CCB) at Duke-NUS Medical School, which is affiliated with the National University of Singapore and Duke University. She trained in systems biology with a Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship at NUS after completing her PhD at MIT in computational structural biology under Tomas Lozano-Perez, Carl Pabo, and Bruce Tidor. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Math and Computer Science

Narendra Suhas JAGANNATHAN |
Suhas is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab, coming from the Singapore-MIT Alliance - Computational and systems biology programme. He is working primarily on Markov model analysis of cancer cell phenotype transitions, and he has also worked on metabolomic network modeling, and on development of hybrid methods of computational modeling.

Nurul Jannah Binte Mohamed NASIR |
Jannah is a doctoral student studying muscle regeneration, iron, oxidative stress and immune response in a mouse model of pressure ulcers, as well as ways to improve wound healing. She has also studied the panniculus carnosus muscle, its protective function and its role in pressure ulcer recurrence.

Aadya is an MD/PhD student studying the systems biology of drug-resistance in cancer. When cancer cells develop resistance to a first-line drug therapy, which additional/adjuvant drugs will also become ineffective as a result? She is conducting screens to test whether the cross-resistance of adjuvant drugs can be predicted from pathway principles.

Korn LAONGKUL ("Gem") |
Gem is a Research Assistant building simulations of cancer evolution of drug resistance. He recently earned his Bachelor's in Biochemistry from University College London, where he gained experience coding for bioinformatics.

Khadijah Binte ZULKIFLI ("Kaia") |
Kaia is a Research Assistant with expertise in imaging and sample preparation. She recently earned her Bachelor's in Biomedical Science from La Trobe University. Her current experiments are focused on the molecular biology of wound healing.

YANG Xinyi |
Xinyi is an undergraduate student at NUS main campus studying Computational Biology. Her project is simulating the interplay between inflammation and granulation as a dynamical system.
ALUMNI : Former postgraduates, postdocs, and staff
Julia was a post-doctoral fellow who worked on a cell culture model of pressure ulcer injury in differentiated C2C12 muscle cells.
Hans was a post-doctoral fellow studying the regenerative function of muscle stem cells (satellite cells), using genetic labelling with confetti fluorescence. His work was joint with SMART BioSyM and co-supervised by Peter T. C. So.
Elysia worked on computational modeling of evolutionary dynamics, for cancer cells treated with synergistic, additive, or antagonistic combinations of anti-cancer drugs.
Akila was a Singapore-MIT Alliance doctoral student (under the primary supervision of Low Boon Chuan) who studied the interplay between RhoA and nitric oxide in regulating
cytoskeletal tension.
Lakshmi was a research scientist at SMART CAMP (Critical Analytics for Personalized Medicine) who performed data management, image analysis and modeling for mesenchymal stromal cells. She also completed her PhD through the Singapore-MIT Alliance.
YONG Zixin Zane
Zane was a postdoc at SMART CAMP (Critical Analytics for Personalized Medicine) who utilized machine learning for image analysis of CAR-T cells.
Neha was a Singapore-MIT Alliance doctoral student (under the primary supervision of Ding Jeak Ling) who studied the impact of extracellular hemoglobin on innate immune response, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and coagulation.
TAM Zhiyang
Zhiyang built computational models of cytoskeletal biophysics, with funding from BioSyM at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology.
Lu was a Singapore-MIT Alliance doctoral student (under the primary supervision of Low Boon Chuan) who developed computational models including a model showing the impact of scaffolds on the dynamics of Erk pathway activation.
NIM Tri Hieu
Hieu was a Singapore-MIT Alliance doctoral student who worked on parameter estimation and modeling the dynamics
of Akt activation.
SHI Yuan
Yuan was a Singapore-MIT Alliance doctoral student (under the primary supervision of Shazib Pervaiz) who worked on computational and experimental studies of redox regulation during apoptosis.